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- ISBN: 9789587385489
- eISBN: 9789587386783 (PDF)
- SAP: 400730
Constitución política de Colombia. Concordancias, referencias históricas, índice analítico
Quinta edición
- Categoría: Derecho Constitucional
- Año de edición: 2014
Palabras clave:
The 1991 Constitution took us out of the institutional limbo we were in because the political system had become blocked. Two important constitutional reforms had failed: Legislative Acts 2 of 1977 and 1 of 1979. Also, the proposals of the Betancur and Barco governments had not been successful. The 91 Constitution, in addition, has provided governability to the country during stormy times: the 8000 process, the rise of drug trafficking, the guerrilla, the paramilitarism, and lately, the bacrim. It can be said that the 91 Constitution had a minimum of unity and coherence, because it structured and defined a specific form of government and each of its pieces was articulated within the entire institutional framework. None of them was a loose piece within the type of State that it organized.
That unity and coherence, to which objections could be made anyway, have disappeared or started to disappear, because the congress has issued since August of 93, the year in which it issued the first one, until November 2014, about 40 legislative acts, of varied content and scope, that introduce reforms for all tastes and opinions. There are so many and sometimes so radical these reforms that it can be said that the chambers turned the 91 Constitution into a patchwork quilt. It can also be said that among the legislative acts promulgated, on average almost two per year, there is no guiding thought, a common thread, or a concrete vision of what the State and society are or should be, nor a clear purpose of structuring a new political system or a new form of government.
Libro Impreso | |
Idioma | Español |
Año de Edición | 2014 |
Tamaño | 17 x 24 cm |
Peso | 1.041 kg |
Sello o marca comercial | Editorial Universidad del Rosario |
Número absoluto de páginas | 656 Páginas |
Sap | 400730 |
ISBN | 9789587385489 |
Sku | 260085 |
Libro Electrónico | |
Año de Edición (PDF) | 2014 |
Sello o marca comercial | Editorial Universidad del Rosario |
Número absoluto de páginas (PDF) | 656 Páginas |
eISBN (PDF) | 9789587386783 |
Colcha de retazos Cambios sustantivos Reformas destacables Ha desconocido decisiones del tribunal constitucionalOtras graves equivocaciones "Chamboneo" a la lata Conflictos de interés El Gobierno también se ha equivocado Responsabilidad compartida
I. Texto de la codificación vigente
Preámbulo Constitución Política de Colombia Título. De los principios fundamentales Título II. De los derechos, las garantías y los deberes Título III. De los habitantes y del territorioTítulo IV. De la participación democrática y de los partidos políticos Título V. De la organización del Estado Título VI. De la Rama LegislativaTítulo VII. De la Rama Ejecutiva Título VIII. De la Rama Judicial
II. Disposiciones transitorias
III. Actos legislativos posteriores a 1991
IV. Índice analítico
LNDX > Constitución |
LND > Derecho constitucional y administrativo |
LAW018000 > LEY > Constitucional |
Impreso | |
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