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- ISBN: 9789587386110
- eISBN: 9789587386127 (EPUB)
- SAP: 400768
Título en español: Accompanied Selfrehabilitation
- Categoría: Psiquiatría , Psicología
- Año de edición: 2015
Palabras clave:
Every once in a great while, there arises a young psychiatrist with entirely new rehabilitation ideas for helping patients retrieve their lives from psychosiso Usually such ideas initially cause significant negative reactions from peers but a handful of sturdy physicians continued on to show the world that something different is possible such as George Brooks of Vermont in the U.S., E.E. Antinnen of Finland, and Franco Basaglia of Italy. Now we have to add to this illustrious list, the name of Alberto Fergusson of Colombia, South America.
Libro Impreso | |
Idioma | Inglés |
Año de Edición | 2015 |
Tamaño | 17 x 24 cm |
Peso | 0.163 kg |
Sello o marca comercial | Editorial Universidad del Rosario |
Número absoluto de páginas | 103 Páginas |
Sap | 400768 |
ISBN | 9789587386110 |
Sku | 265327 |
Libro Electrónico | |
Año de Edición (EPUB) | 2015 |
Sello o marca comercial | Editorial Universidad del Rosario |
Número absoluto de páginas (EPUB) | 103 Páginas |
eISBN (EPUB) | 9789587386127 |
Introduction The technique of accompanied autoanalysis and the theory of psychosis as psychological destruction and decomposition
The scientific recovery of the mind Accompanied autoanalysis. an empathic approach to helping deeply disturbed persons Consent, accountability and the future of therapeutic communities in the light of accompanied self- rehabilitation: the chemical asylum and the right to be socially sanctioned Alberto Fergusson in collaboration with Alba Realpe
Innovative care for the homeless mentally ill in Bogota, Colombia Esperanza Diaz, Alberto Fergusson, and John S. Strauss
Normalcy illuminated by madness An invitation to self-rehabilitation
MKL > Psiquiatría |
JM > Psicología |
MED105000 > MEDICINA > Psiquiatría > General |
PSY000000 > PSICOLOGÍA > General |
eBook | |
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